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Monday, March 17, 2014

Tabletop Day 2014

In support for Tabletop Day 2014, WarPegs and Maxx Collectibles are working together to run another Kill Team day at the Store on April 5th. The last day was quite successful, and this is another chance to come out, meet
some other players and get in a game or three.

Games will run from 1pm until 5pm but you are always welcome to come anytime during store hours. Maxx has several tables available, and the large tables will easily host two or three sets of players for a skirmish ruleset like Kill Team. As always, there is plenty of free parking.

Some come out, support the Tabletop Gaming Community and have a good time!  If you have any questions or suggestions, just hop over to the forums!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Astra Militarum Leaks

So what is Astra Militarum?  It's a copyrightable name for Imperial Guard, and here they come!

There is a separate codex coming for Militarum Tempestus, aka Stormtroopers as well, and there are more leaks in this White Dwarf page.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Escalation League - Last chance to sign up!

This week is the last week to sign up for the WarPegs WHFB escalation league.

I'd like to see at least one more player sign up so we can have an even number of players.  This league will run for 4 months or so with two games per month and lists escalating from 500 points to 1,800 points or more depending on the votes of the players.

Full details are in the forums RIGHT HERE.